Learn More Using Online Educational Games

Playing online educational games is an excellent alternative way to learn skills and gain more knowledge quickly. Would you rather sit in a classroom and listen to a lecture or go online and play a game about the topic? Would you rather watch an episode of Wildlife or go on safari or to a zoo?

Interactive online games enable learners to grasp fundamentals of different topics in a fun way, while providing structure, motivation, and social interaction. Through games, learners discover that learning is fun, rather than challenging, or a chore. One reason for this is that “students” can learn through trial and error and they can often manage the pace at which the learning occurs.

There are many types of instructional or educational games – role playing, board games, computer games, simulations, online quizzes, and even toys. The list is virtually endless, but the point is that any educational tool can give people a head start on topics they need to learn. Whether used by child or adult, games can help people learn subjects such as spelling, math, science, a new language, or social skills.

The Benefits of Educational Games Online

1) They provide “instant” feedback – this gives the learner information on what to continue doing as well as what to do differently the next time.

2) They provide something fun while learning – in many games, people, particularly children, do not even realize the purpose of the game is to learn.

3) They can help develop motor skills – particularly for young children, certain games teach balance or manual dexterity. Just think about any video game, or even the game, Twister.

4) Certain games may teach people how to concentrate or focus. People may get frustrated in a lecture environment and want to quit, whereas a game may encourage people to stick with it because of the possible win at the end.

5) Learning games can help teach skills such as conflict resolution or teamwork. When people play a game together, they must cooperate and follow the rules.

6) Creativity is another benefit of certain educational games; they encourage people to think outside of the box and consider other ways to approach a situation. The game, Win, Lose, or Draw, is a good example of this.

7) Certain games may even help to improve self-esteem. When they solve a puzzle or complete a level in a video game, people feel a sense of accomplishment and even inspiration to “get to the next level” in other areas of their lives.

While not every learning situation is best taught through play, educational games help to bring it all together while enabling learning. Consider using educational games, whether they are board games or online tutorials, for your or your student’s next learning event.

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